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p20 ver.240628 News


  • Data of NRO 45m Legacy Project COMING was updated. New data for 15 galaxies were added, and data for 19 galaxies were updated. (2019-10-04)
  • Search I/F for VO Crawler DB is available at VO Crawler DB. (2019-09-15)
  • FITS WebQL button was implemented on the VO search result page. You can look at the FITS images found by the VO search interface using FITS WebQL. Try out MultiScope etc. (2019-04-25)
  • FITS WebQLv4 (Beta) was released. New feature "FITS Cube slicer" is available. (2018-10-17)
  • VO Search update: new VO search interface named JVOIndex and JVOExplorer are open to the public. (2017-03-08)